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babis taliadouros percussion

Charalampos Taliadouros was born in Kolindros, Greece and grew up in Volos. He started his musical studies in percussion at the Municipal Conservatory of Volos with Alex Christides and Christos Liatsos. After receiving his diploma with honors in percussion in 1996, he was accepted at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich and the class of professor dr. Peter Sadlo (with a scholarship from the Alexander S. Onassis Foundation, years 1999-2001), he graduated in 2001. He continued his studies in timpani and percussion with dr. Peter Sadlo and Raymond Curfs until 2003, when he received his Postgraduate Diploma, with a scholarship from the Alexander S. Onassis Foundation, the year 2002-2003.

He holds a Bachelor degree and a Ph.D. in Musicology from the Faculty of Music Studies of the University of Athens, in the field of contemporary Greek composers’ percussion music and contemporary performance techniques of percussion instruments.


He is a percussionist of the Athens State Orchestra from 1996 up to the present. He has been a timpanist of the Volos Symphony Orchestra and has collaborated with all of the main orchestras of Athens (Radio Orchestra, Camerata, Orchestra of Colors), he has also participated in productions of the Athens Megaron and the Volos International Center of Music Theater and in concerts of the Greek Composers Union.


He has given recitals in Athens, Volos, and Larissa, where he premiered many works for percussion.

As a member of the Ergon Ensemble, he has performed many major works for percussion (Xenakis Rebonds, O-Mega, Dmaathen, Kassandra).

During 2006-2007 he taught percussion at the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University, and currently, he is teaching at the Ars Musicalis Conservatory.




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