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ergon ensemble
contemporary music, athens
19 February 2015
Megaron / Banquet Hall
Artistic director - Sound Design: Alexandros Mouzas
Lighting Design : Sakis Birbilis
Toru Takemitsu: “Rain Spell” for instrumental ensemble
John Cage: “Dream” for solo piano
Kaija Saariaho: “Cendres” for flute, cello and piano
Gerard Pesson: “Nocturnes en quator” for clarinet, violin, cello, piano
Terry Riley: “Sunrise of the Planetary Dream Collector” for string quartet
Louis Andriessen: “Life” for ensemble, with film by Marijke van Warmerdam

Dream: a concert without “spectators”, stage, distances and boundaries disappear.
Light, images, soundscapes … the audience seated on cushions or in chairs, enjoying contemporary compositions as part of a complete aesthetic experience.
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