ergon ensemble
contemporary music, athens
Spiros Laskaridis trumpet

Born in 1979 in Corfu he took his first trumpet lessons at the Philharmonic Society Mantzaros. He studied in Athens with Sokratis Anthis and Panagiotis Kessaris. Further studies at the Musikhögskolan iMalmö with Bo Nilsson, Håkan Hardenberger and Leif Bengtsson (natural trumpet).
He was a member of the Thessaloniki State Orchestra in 2008, became Principal Trumpet of the Greek National Opera Orchestra the same year, and held that position until 2012.
He collaborated with the Malmö SymfoniOrkest, the Athens State Orchestra, the Orchestra of Colours, the Wiener Kammerorchester, and regularly plays with the Orchestra of the Wiener Volksoper.
Having a varied range of musical interpretations, he enjoys playing both early as well as contemporary music.
As a Natural Trumpeterhe worked with Camerata-Armonia Atenea, recorded for Decca Classics, and plays frequently with the Bach Consort Wien.
As a contemporary music performer, he collaborated with the Greek Ensemble of Contemporary Music, the Experimental Stage of the Greek National Opera, the Ensemble Reconsil Vienna, and is a member of the Ergon Ensemble since 2010.